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Android Sundays: Fate/Stay Night

Today marks the beginning of a new weekly series focused on making it easier for you to enjoy Visual Novels on your Android devices.  I’ll be highlighting one game a week: offering tips on how to get it onto your device, and pointing out useful game resources.

This week’s game:

01 Saber

Fate/Stay Night

I’m having a TON of fun playing Fate/Stay night on my Nexus 7 tablet.  Even though I’ve already played/completed the game on my PC, there’s a certain magic to having familiar characters and music at my fingertips, and I love it.  One of the coolest features (which really changes the play experience) of playing the game on the VNDS app is the removal of Fate’s full-screen text experience.  For the first time ever I’m reading Fate with a bottom-of-the-screen text bar, which allows me to clearly see and enjoy the game’s amazing art.


Requirements: You’ll need five things to get this game on your device:

  • The VNDS Android App (Paid – recommended for saving!) (Free)
  • A copy of the game (Fuwanovel has you covered — click here for game page)
  • Weeaboo’s VNDS converter (Link – Scroll down until you see Fate/Stay Night VNDS converter. Download the latest version.) (1.2.3 at the time of this publication)
  • A (USB?) cable to transfer the program data onto your Android device
  • ~1.4 GB free space (or less) on Android memory or SD card (space depends on how high of quality you like your images)

Installation Steps

  1. Boot the Weeaboo Fate/Stay Night (FSN) converter.  The converter has a nice, logical GUI:  point the converter to the correct “Game Folder”, or the location of the FSN game you downloaded, and specify a folder where you want it to export the VNDS version
  2. For “Target Platform”, select the resolution of images you want for your device.  The larger the resolution, the higher quality the images will be on your device
  3. Click “Start”.  The converter will run and will alert you when it’s finished
  4. Connect your device to your PC.  Open up the android device and navigate to your “sdcard” folder
  5. Either find or create the following file structure:   [sdcard]/vnds/novels
  6. Copy the FSN game folder into the “novels” folder.  The folder you should copy over should be the game directory (so, within that “fate” folder should be the “background” “foreground” “save” “script” “sound” folders, etc.)
  7. Boot up the VNDS app.  “Fate Stay Night” should be immediately visible in your game library.  Click it to begin playing!


02 Tohsaka03 Berserker


Game Resources:

Check out this walkthrough for FSN in the Fuwanovel forums!

There is a huge database of FSN backgrounds on this page.

Game OST coming soon!


I'm the Fuwanovel community admin and a big fan of Visual Novels. The easiest way to get a hold of me is via a PM on the Fuwanovel Forums, by twitter (@ArchmageTay), or by email.

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12 years ago

I honestly can’t figure out how to use it 🙁

Reply to  Luigi
12 years ago


I’d love to help you get this working. What’s the problem?

Reply to  Luigi
10 years ago

I need help also. I can’t figure out how to navigate the installation steps. D:

Reply to  Luigi
10 years ago

I need help also. I can’t figure out how to navigate the installation steps. D:

Reply to  Luigi
10 years ago

I would like some help too. I can’t figure out how to navigate the installation steps.

12 years ago

There are several error (unreadable bitmaps) when converting backgrounds for Nexus 7. Should I be concern about them. Example: a21back.bmp , ??.bmp , …

Reply to  newbie
12 years ago

I just ran the converter again to check how it went for me. Yeah – I had a handful of bitmap conversion errors, but no problems converting scripts and audio (etc.). FSN is too huge to quickly test for quality, but so far (Fate, 1/2 UBW) it’s been absolutely fine with no problems.

Hope this helps!

Reply to  newbie
12 years ago

Oh, also, if people are interested, it took me about 35 minutes from start to finish for the converter to run.

Reply to  newbie
12 years ago

My computer must be pretty slow, I have AMD X3 with 2 different SATA hard disks. It took me over 3 hours and not over yet. Running 3 thread non stop.

Reply to  newbie
11 years ago

I ran 7 cores took me almost an hour on highest quality.
i7 2.9 ghz with millions of other stuff running on the background.
I go the Errors too but it for fine till now but idk bout later

Reply to  newbie
11 years ago

The errors come from the size of the images. Since some images are not EXACTLY 800×600, the error (I think is unexpected end of file or something along those lines) pops up when a bitmap like that appears. But since those are image errors, this shouldn’t be that much of an issue when playing. If it still bothers you, just play on a PC or try converting the novel with another parameter values.

tl;dr: not that much of an issue, carry on.

12 years ago

If you were rooted, you could hide the button bar.

Reply to  Myuzaki
12 years ago

Yeah, or I could have photoshop’d them out. I left them in to clarify the Android-ness of the port.

There’s not a whole lot of point for me to root a Google device — it already runs a pure, always-updated Android platform. Everybody has their own preferences, tho!

12 years ago

it’s great being able to read FSN on an android device, but people should be aware that graphic effects (zooms, splashes, etc… specific to the original game engine) are lost in translation from the pc version to a vnds version. The novel is the same but of course some things can’t be converted to vnds. This is something that i think should be told when talking about converting visual novels to vnds.

The other way to read visual novels is using a remote app like splashtop 2 and then you should get the same experience than using the pc, but you then depend on how fast is your wifi even in a local network (and some games have minor problems like ever 17 which i don’t know why i can’t tap to pass the text)

11 years ago

[…] big “Thank You” to reader neonism who made a few important points on an earlier Android Sunday Post about the limitations of the VNDS app:  many scene transitions, any and all sprite movement, […]

11 years ago

Oh hey! Thanks. I was wondering though, does this have any graphic content? I’m hoping it doesn’t.

Reply to  Ted
11 years ago

This is Tay, the author of the article. Unfortunately, yes, the vanilla version of Fate/Stay Night has two sexually intimate scenes per route. There are removal patches out there for the game, making it like the “Realta Nua”version, but they are buggy, don’t work worth the VNDS application, and I have not tested them.

I personally do not like H-Content in games, and so I have to skip the scenes when I play. VNDS does have a powerful skip function.

11 years ago

what are the correct settings for this because everytime i run it, it always reaches over 2 gigs and still not done yet as the size increases so i shut it down. is that normal?

11 years ago

I’m having problems with this, I have an LG Optimus Hub e510, can someone tell me how to configure the converter to make the Visual Novel playable on my phone?

Reply to  Esteban
11 years ago

Make a ‘vnds’ folder in your memory card and a ‘novels’ folder inside vnds folder. Copy your generated files inside a ‘fate’ folder and paste it inside the novels folder. So it would be fate inside a novels folder, inside the vnds folder.. the vnds app on your tab will automatically read the game, but if not, you can direct vnds to the fate directory on the memory card.

Hope that woud help you pay the legendary vn on

Reply to  Esteban
11 years ago

Hope that would help you play that legendary vn on your phone.. sorry for the fragmented reply…

11 years ago

Hi. Just get the necessary apps and game ready. If you downloaded the fuwanovel game files, it is already prepatched. So you can run the game on your pc by doubleclicking the exe file. Unzip the weeaboo converter, it has a nice gui. Just input the game directory in the proper field and your target directory. You ca also choose your desired resolution and some parameters. Wait the convertion to finish, ~1-2 hours. . The generated file has a txt file that will tell you how and what files you will have tocopy to your memory card, shouldyou wish to have the whole game or have it by routes

11 years ago

Yay, finally I could install it on my tablet 24 hours later, thanks to my faithfull Intel Atom (16 hours of painful waiting), this guide, and headaches…
Thanks a LOT (Y)

11 years ago

do i need to download the torrent or do i just need the game file i downloaded from fuwanovel?

Reply to  Aloha
11 years ago

The game file.

11 years ago

I converted the game but it took me 6 hours..
But it runs alright
But at some point the script turns into a mixed kanji letters with other characters..I can’t read kanji but im sure it’s messed up,and there’s some numbers too with other languange letters.I think I saw a russian one and arabic one..
It won’t save at that point,it will says
“ saving :: String more than 65535 UTF bytes long”
and I can’t see the text log.
But after skipping the part the game will return to normal eventually,but the final of fate route has this error and become unplayable!
Did I messed up in convertion?
I could locate the .scr files,but what should I do?

Reply to  Jensen
11 years ago

problem solved with replacing scr files with “healthy” ones.
Testing right now,so far so good!

Reply to  Jensen
11 years ago

I’m having the same problem during the Heaven’s Feel route, on day 2 when I choice “2. I’m worried about Sakura”, everything turn into a mix of chinise, kanji and arabic and I can’t even skip that part, it just go into a lop. Thought I have no idea where to get those “healthy” files to replace the bad ones. I tried doing the conversion 3 times with different versions, but it’s always the same.

Reply to  Jensen
11 years ago

Never mind, I fix it already.

Reply to  Jensen
11 years ago

How did you guys solve it? Do I need to redownload and reconvert it again? If so, do tell me the best settings you guys did! I don’t want to encounter those weird characters again and found myself at a long trying to figure out what the hell happened.. please help!

11 years ago

Does it work on android smartphone, or only tablets?

11 years ago

Been trying to follow those instructions with my HTC One X… I cant even get thro the very 1st step.

Reply to  Kay
10 years ago

That’s cuz you need a pc to run that…

11 years ago

Ok I finally managed to install it and start the main menu. But when i try to start the game, it sais “Invalid jump: fate01-00.scr nil”.
And is it normal that the convertion took 5secs ?

Reply to  Kay
11 years ago

Hey, so I got the exact same error.. Do you mind telling me how you got it to work?

11 years ago

Yaaaay Its finally working! I think… Well i tried converting the game in every possible way, and now, its actually taking a loooooong while to convert. Judging by the previous coms, looks like i got it right somehow.

Reply to  Kay
10 years ago

How exactly did you try it in every possible way?
I have that problem and tried again and again with converting it in different ways. It didn’t work.
It would be very helpful to know “how”.

11 years ago

Thanks man, works perfect. I have a lot of error shown during the conversion, especially during the background part, but I haven’t experience any problems till now. Took me around three hours on a five years old computer (C2D 2.40 GHz) but it definitely worth the wait.
This is really great, I wanted to read this since I watched Fate Zero, I know it’s not the ideal way, but I don’t really have the time to do it at home and now I can do it while commuting.

11 years ago

VNDB Still the best visual novel reader for android out there today? Can someone tell me if there’s visual novel reader engine for android that can go to VN menu such as gallery? Or can VNDB do that? If so please tell me how.. thank you..

Reply to  Kanzato
11 years ago

I think u mean VNDS?

Reply to  Kanzato
11 years ago

Ups.. my bad.. yeah VNDS..

11 years ago

Umm .. i have 3 files … generated, original and fate . How do i put it in my phone??
.. like, must we put all three in a specific file?

Reply to  yolo
11 years ago

There are instructions inside the Fate folder, but did you left the program completely finish the conversion? At least when I did it, the generated and original folders disappeared at the end, and just the Fate folder was left.

11 years ago

Oh … it written “done!” In the converter but then they suddenly have zipping if i anm not wrong
… so … i have really complete the process do i?

11 years ago

By the way, if it did not complete the conversion ,can i start the conversion from where it ended or do i have to restart the whole conversion?

Reply to  yolo
11 years ago

You should start over or it can cause problems. Oddly, sometimes you end up with those three folders or only with “Fate”. Inside the fate folder there’s a another folder named “base_install” , you only have to put the content of “base_install” (This is important, the content, so copy the files within the folder, not the folder itself) on your phone at [sdcard]/vnds/novels/fate/ and that’s it.

11 years ago

I got this problem main.scr does not exist when i open vnds

Reply to  yolo
11 years ago

Pls help

11 years ago

I am having the same problem like Alex and jensen. how do I fix. where do I get the healthy scr files or do I just convert it again please help

11 years ago

hullo. i got it to work so far but my problem is that when u get to the choice of going home or going into the basement both options seem to give me bad ending..

is this possibly a glitch from the converter?

Reply to  mamorukaiyo
11 years ago

Which route are you in, and which decision? I recommend taking a look at the FSN walkthrough (which I wrote, so let me know if you have questions):

It may be that you haven’t accumulated enough flags/points on a certain route.

11 years ago

Hey man thx for your instruction, tried it and Fate was running on first try 😀
But now i have a porblem. Im using a HTC One and Vnds Interpreter Lite, and that may now sound stupid but i cant figure out how to save my progress^^

Hopefully you can help me out

Reply to  KaykoSan
10 years ago

Which novel search path did you enter..? I also have a HTC One but dunno what I need to enter, I can’t find my games… ._.

11 years ago

nevermind found out^^

11 years ago

I know this has been brought up earlier but I am encountering the same unreadable bitmaps (EOFExceptions) as well. I am converting to the max resolution of 1280×720.

Has anyone (Tay?) noticed any missing images having played through the game (ideally to completion i.e. finishing all of the routes)?

If there are some missing ones (I cannot help but think that there has to be, judging from the error reports) and having read Imationer’s explanation, what would be the best/optimal resolution to convert the files to without encountering this issue?

Thanks in advance!

download free games for tablet hcl
11 years ago

I know this web page presents quality based posts and additional data, is there any other webb paqge which offers these kinds off information in quality?

11 years ago

Is it possible to access the servant status menu on the Mobil version.? (Playing on a Galaxy III phone.)

11 years ago

As per the following thread I found on Google, I can confirm that the following scripts are corrupted as they end up as kanji. The most notable corruption for me is final battle of the Fate scenario.




Going to dark09s post in the forum I’ve linked above seems to have the healthy script files if your converter keeps messing up. vnds -> FSN -> base ->

The file is only 6MB whereas the one I get from the converter is 11MB so I’m unsure of what’s missing (keep a copy of your original); however, at least I can now finish the Fate route. Unfortunately those fixed scenes won’t have any voice acting. Not sure where to get replacements for those.

Reply to  Ace
11 years ago

On a further look, the 6MB and 11MB difference in the is the kanji files. The kanji files are literally 10x larger, but all 778 files are still there in the “healthy”, so they should all work.

Reply to  Ace
10 years ago

do you happen to have a working link to the healthy script files? the posted link is down .

11 years ago

Google Nexus 7 user here, what’s the path you’re using because I’m having no luck at all. VNDS is refusing to display it even though I input the correct path (I believe I am). For example I’ve tried Storage/Emulated/novels/fate etc, no matter what I try it won’t pick it up.
I don’t have an [sdcard] route either when I hook it up to my computer just defaults. What should I do?

11 years ago

Heys guys. I followed the instructions however while initializing the Visual Novel I couldnt get past 85%. Please help

11 years ago

Just a question… but voices are not converted? I just finish the conversion of my fate VN with voices, but they did not work on tablet…

11 years ago

To everyone who’s been having trouble – make sure you aren’t installing the version with Realta Nua (which is the linked version). If you use a version with Realta Nua, delete the patch associated with it (in this case, patch 7), before converting.

moof wongduss
10 years ago

I just have a quick question about the converted version if someone would be kind to answer. I got it running perfectly on my tablet but are all the routes automatically unlocked when you first start the game? I would prefer to play through in the proper order without looking at walkthroughs too much, thanks in advance! 🙂

Reply to  moof wongduss
10 years ago

Begin by “Fate” following by “Unlimitted Blades Works” and for the final story “Heavenly’s Feel”

10 years ago

Can someone post a link to already conveted files, please? My converter displays numerous errors, some folders are completely emply afters it’s done and total converted folder size is about 5 or 7 Mb. I susupect something is wrong.

10 years ago

I just started the game, but for some reason, I got transfered to Unlimited Blade Works after Lancer escaped and Saber was summoned. I checked the flowchart, and according to it, I was not supposed to get the option to “Stop her.” or “Don’t stop her.” without first clearing the Fate route and getting the “SaberClear” point. What’s going on? o.O

10 years ago

Ive just finished downloading the game and its like 2.80 gb but when i converted it to the highest resolution. although the product was only 6.80mb. conversion took me about 2. something seconds i cant remember the exact time. though this is my first time doing this but im pretty sure there is something wrong with the size of my converted file.. i went and put the file on my phone anyway (phone storage/vnds/novels/)(oh right and after the conversion the file was already named fate). i only put in the base_install cause i remember seeing that somewhere in the comments i dont remember if its here or some other forum though. but i cant see the game using vnds any ideas on what went wrong?

Reply to  Sappy
10 years ago

The newest version of the converter adds an extra couple steps to the process, though the files should still be bigger, took me an hour or so to convert at max ogg quality and 97% jpeg quality 1280 x 800.

The end result after using the converter is an installer, which you still have to run again to get the files you need to copy to your device. FSNInstaller.jar should be in the fate folder, run it and point it to a directory where your real converted game files will be.

10 years ago

Okay i somehow got it to run.. but only until the part where it asks me where to watch the prologue or start game. when i hit watch prologue it just writes ends of pologue and when i tap on start game there is this error ( Invalid jump: fate01-00.scr nil any idea as to what is happening?

Reply to  Sappy
10 years ago

you probably converted wrongly, I had the exact same problem because i didn’t point to the correct game directory

10 years ago

Dunno if you still check this or not but I’m having the same kanji/arabic problem that a lot of people have had. I spent all night tonight trying to troubleshoot, and re-encode the game different ways with the converter but none of that worked so I guess the problem is with the scripts? I saw there was a link to a forum with a healthy but it must’ve died at some point. There any way you could post an updated script?

VN player
10 years ago

What is the option realta nua (optional) setting for in the converter?

And how do you use it?

Reply to  VN player
10 years ago

It’s for people who convert the original game without the realta nua patch. The torrent provided in this post already has it. I think the realta nua version was for the ps2 and it’s where the voice overs come from.

10 years ago

It works! And greatly… But I only have one problem… Thete is no music in the game. There are voices, but no music.. Any solution? :c

Reply to  EriasCore
10 years ago

I have the same problem.
Have you fixed it?

10 years ago

[…] […]

10 years ago

I’m running into the kanji/Arabic script errors. Does anyone have a copy or link to the healthy script files?

10 years ago

This is strange… it seems like all the choices to access the three routes are available, and I haven’t completed the game, not even one time.

Anyone can confirm this?? I’m just confused or something?

10 years ago

And I have been running into the corrupted scripts problem.

Any chance of getting the healthy ones uploaded again?

10 years ago

I want to play vn’s on my htc one, but i dunno what i need to enter for the search part, i can’t figure it out…Can someone please help…? I want to play ever 17 on the go D:

10 years ago

Hey, I did exactly as instructed here, but my vnds app can’t find the game no matter what I do. I created the folders as I should, I transferred the game as I should, yet it can’t find it at all. It says no novels found in any of the paths.

What could be the problem?

Reply to  solopy567
10 years ago

Ok, that was fixed, but I have a new problem: there is no music and no voices. Only sound effects are working.

Reply to  solopy567
8 years ago

How did you fix it if I may ask? I’m having this problem right now too.

10 years ago

Hey, Ya so how exactly do I even open up the converter after I download it? I’m not exactly tech savvy, sorry.

10 years ago

So, can i even play this on an Android phone? or just a tablet?

Reply to  Marr
10 years ago

it works on my android phone

Reply to  Marr
10 years ago

can anyone explain how the realta nua option works?

do I direct it to just one route or all of them together?