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Visual Novel Translation Status (26/12/2015)

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Hello, friends. It may be Christmas evening as I type this, and I may be full of ham and toasty on eggnog, but I always have time for you all. This was a pretty exciting week in the world of VNs. We’ve got more releases, a major news item, and plenty of project updates! And no matter where you’re from or what cultural traditions you follow, I hope you’re having a splendid end to the year!

Anyway! Welcome to our weekly VNTS (Visual Novel Translation Status) series, in which we track visual novel translation updates in-house (we don’t rely on /jp/ posts on 4ch, for example) and post it for your enlightenment and enjoyment each Saturday. If you find any errors, or you think a project is missing from this list, please let me know in the comments. Any new updates are marked by orange text.

The Short Version:
Only the New Stuff

  • Amagami –  The team at Ni Shi Shi year end report, which you can read here. Current progress is at 1504/2308 scripts. Projected progress for 2016 is kind of dire, and they’re in need of new translators.
  • AstralAir – Up to 62.94%.
  • Bunny Black 2 – Aroduc started sharing with us actual line counts. Translation sits firmly at 50%.
  • Harumade Kururu – The initial route is now at 75.8%
  • Noble Works – Released! Congratulations to the team. Get the patch here.
  • Rance Quest – Another week, another percent, 55%.
  • Subahibi – Moogy reports that they will release an official commercial version in cooperation with the developer KeroQ! Read the story here.
  • Sukimazakura to Uso no Machi – At 20.6% TL.
  • Witch’s Garden – 64.80% TL. Stay strong, WG team, you’re doing good work.
  • Flowers – Editing is up to 23%.
  • Sweet Home – TL is now at 34%.
  • Shiny Days – Bug fix and restoration patches are released! For many, it’s almost as if the game was only just now released. Bugfix patch is here, Restoration patch is here.
  • Beat Blades Haruka – Interface localization complete.
  • Bokuten – 40.3% editing.
  • Gahkthun – Released! Buy it here. (no really, do it, it’s good)
  • Tokyo Babel – 100% translated! And also, 35% edited.
  • Harmonia – Oops, we kind of dropped the ball on this one. We forgot all about it until now. I even wrote a news article about it! Anyways, it’s now added to the list. Also a couple weeks ago it was delayed into Spring 2016. Sry.

Fan Translation


Fan TL Project Team Brief Status Summary
Akaya Akashiya Ayakashino
AkaAka TL
  • 11/15/15 Update – Work still ongoing, but some of the team are unresponsive. You can see everything completed here.
Ni Shi Shi TL
  • TL: 65.2% (1504/2308 scripts)
Amairo Islenauts
Sakura Subs
  • Prologue TL: 100%; Edit: 100%
  • Common TL: 100%; Edit: 99%
  • Airi: TL: 0%; Edit: 0%
  • Masaki TL: 40%; TLC: 25%
  • Shirley TL: 20%; TLC: 10%
  • Yune TL: 0%; Edit: 0%
  • Konoka TL: 40%; TLC: 20%
  • Bonus TL: 20%; Edit: 0%
Anniversary no Kuni no Alice
Märchen TL (Progress)
  • TL: 59%;
  • Edit: 42%;
  • Proofread: 29%
Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm (Aokana)
  • Common Route – Complete! (TL/Edits)
  • Asuka’s Route – Complete! (TL/Edits)
  • Misaki’s Route – Complete! (TL/Edits)
  • Mashiro’s Route – Complete! (TL/Edits)
  • Rika’s Route – Translating
  • Extra Material – TBA
AstralAir TL
  • TL:40,835 / 64,880 (62.94%)
Ayakashi Gohan!
Hanataba TL
  • Ayakashi common route: 100%
  • Asagi’s route: 2568/5631 lines (46%)
  • Haginosuke’s route: 3798/4634 lines (82%)
  • Manatsu: 2041/4358 lines (47%)
  • Suou’s route: 2905/5246 lines (55%)
  • Uta: 100%!
  • Yomi: 1429/5349 lines (27%)
  • Trial is translated and patch is available! (link)
Black Wolves Saga -Bloody Nightmare-
Golden Spirit
  • TL: 65/65 scripts
  • Edit: 65/65 scripts
  • TLC: 59/65 scripts
Brother Conflict PSP
  • Passion Pink: TL – 100%; Still needs formatting and inserting (link)
  • Brilliant Blue: TL – : 5%
  • Note: Despite JP Vita release, the team is continuing the project (link)
Bunny Black 2
Seiha TL
  • TL: 7216/14326 Lines (50%)
Clover Day’s
Yakusoku TL
  • Common TL: 100%;
  • Anzu TL: 49%;
  • Anri TL: 100%;
  • Hekiru TL: 10.25%;
  • Tsubame TL: 40%;
  • Izumi: 12%;
Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient
Hysteric 4 U
  • Update: Release now planned for 2016, still working on the project, and the team is fielding questions about the project (Link)
Dorei to no Seikatsu -Teaching Feeling-
Quof & spacegodzilla & jellypubes
  • Complete text translation released (Link)
  • Interface translation released separately (Link)
  • Undergoing QA/playtesting
DSP #3
(Denwatls’ Secret Project)
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia Voice Porting Project
  • Ongoing (Tay: if you’re looking forward to this, I suggest following the thread)
Gore Screaming Show
Crying TL
  • TL – 29%
  • TLC- 0%
  • Editing – 12% (Re-editing)
  • Image Editing – 11%
  • Temporarily on Hold: “*At this current time, I’m unable to get in-contact with the translators. So whether they are too busy at the moment is unknown. I will probably know more later. This project has stopped until I can find more or and get in-contact with the others.*” (Link)
Loe Quality TL
(Progress) (Twitter)
  • Common Route – Done
  • Marina Route – Complete
  • Ayana´s route – Complete
  • Ren’s Route – (Next)
  • Patch Release (Link)
Harumade, Kururu.
Silent Summer Translations
  • Harem Route: 75.8%
  • Common Route: 0%
  • Akio Route: 0%
  • Shizuka Route: 0%
  • Fuyune Route: 0%
  • Harumi Route: 0%
  • True Route: 0%
Hatsukoi 1/1
Kousetsu Translations
  • TL: 11,409 lines
  • Edit: ~10,200 lines
Hiiro no Kakera
Otome Game TL
Hoka no Onna no Ko to H wo Shiteiru Ore wo Mite Koufun Suru Kanojo
Washi TL (Progress)
  • TL: 7,843 lines
  • Edit: 2,334 lines
Iinazuke wa Imouto-sama!
Imouto TL
Immoral Little
Tiny Lily
  • TL: 500/11,626
  • Release Goal: February 30th
Irotoridori no Sekai
SakuSaku TL
  • TL: 1747/50663 (3%)
  • Congrats to the team on getting started!
Ken ga Kimi
Golden Spirit
  • TL: 116/122 scripts
  • Edit: 108/122
  • TLC: 52/122
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
Alternative Projects
  • Common route + Haruka route translated (Link)
Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki (Koisaku)
SakuSaku TL
  • TL: 49257/49257 (100%)
  • 2nd editing pass complete, awaiting final pass and script finalization (Link)
Koiken Otome
Flying Pantsu
  • TL: 97.90% (39,856 lines);
  • TLC: 93.91% (38,230 lines);
  • Edit: 88.90% (36,194 lines);
  • QC: 81.53% (33,192/ 40,710 lines); Prologue patch released.
  • TL: 89% (34139/38001);
  • Edit: 58% (22248/38001)
  • Not dead (Link)
Kono Oozora Retranslation Project
(Progress in this thread)
  • Amane’s and Ageha’s routes are partially translated, all other routes are 100% TL-ed and edited. Patch won’t be finished this year, but early~ish 2016 might be possible, unless we encounter some unexpected issues again. (link)
Kud Wafter
Project Wafuu
  • TL: 39.12%
Kurukuru Fanatic
Dark Eye
  • TL: 87.5%
Lovely x Cation
Elevator TL
  • Overall: 26%
Lover Able
  • Temporarily stalled
  • (12/05 – Site is down)
  • TL: 6.84%
Mahou Tsukai no Yoru
Commie Fansubs
(Progress – outdated)
  • Fully translated, undergoing editing.
Mahou Tsukai no Yoru
Loe Quality
  • 2.2/200+ scripts translated
Mahou Tsukai no Yoru
nrvnqsr Team (Progress)
  • Ongoing
  • Partial Patch for Chapters 1-5 available here.
Majikoi A-1
Maji TL
  • Overall: 64%
Monster Girl Quest Paradox
(Blog) (MGQP-Related Posts)
  • “Progress: Not as much as I’d like”
  • MGQ Paradox English Patch v1.21b released (see this post).
Muv-Luv Altered Fable
Jutsuki Sen
  • 3rd patch released in 2014: with Sumika, Meiya, Kashiwagi routes
Muv-Luv Alternative – Total Eclipse
Alternative Projects
Noble Works
Oxford Comma
  • Released! Get the patch here.
Nursery Rhyme
  • TL: 36.5% (12032/32977)
  • Edit: 2% (805 / 32977)
Oreimo Tsuzuku (Disc 2)
  • TL:: 99.3%;
  • TLC: 82.1%;
  • Edit: 73.1%
  • Needs more volunteers!
  • TL: 43%
  • Edit: 33%
  • NOT DEAD! Dealing with lots of errors. “So far I have all of Raoul’s and Fantome’s routes translated. I am working on Philip sand would say I’m about half done with them.”
Princess Maker 5
(Updates: Page, Doc)
  • TL (100 – unTLd): 86.06%;
  • Finalized TL: 32.91%
Rance 5D
2.0 TL
  • TL: 100%,
  • Edit: 100%;
  • Now being revised
Rance Quest Magnum
2.0 TL
  • TL: 55%
Rance VI
Re:Birthday Song
Otome Adventures
  • TL: 65% (Update: link)
Rewrite Harvest Festa
  • Total Lines: 22,583/30,040 (75.18%)
  • Needs hackers
  • Site currently down
Sanarara R
Gao Gao
  • TL: 14.5% (15/103 parts).
  • TL on hold, awaiting new tools.
Sayonara wo Oshiete
  • TL: 29.8% (4269/14309);
  • Edit: 0%
Shin Koihime Musou
SKM Team
  • Story: 100%
  • Character Events: 85.9%
  • H-Scenes: 17.2% (Everyone hates H-Scenes)
  • Battle: 34%
  • Comprehensive Total: 69.2% (Including Battles)
  • Non-weighted Total: 74.8% (Excluding Battles)
SonoHana 10
Yuri Project
  • Some TL , some editing and QC done
SonoHana 11
Yuri Project
  • Some TL done
Starry Sky ~in Summer~
Golden Spirit
  • TL: 177/177 scripts
  • Edit: 177/177 scripts
  • TLC: 137/177
Subarashiki Hibi (SubaHibi)
  • Picked up for official release by KeroQ!
  • Is moving down to the Other Licensed Translations section and will be removed from this one next week.
Sukimazakura to Uso no Machi
onlyMyRailgun & Team
  • TL: 20.6%
  • Partial patch released (link)
Supreme Candy
  • TL: ~33.7% (~14573/43261)
Sweet Pool
Aarin Community
  • Translation: 100%
  • Translation checking: 100%
  • Editing: 100%
  • Proofreading: 96%
  • Insertion: 96%
  • “We did finish the proofreading and translation for all the scripts and are in the middle of doing a final tidy up/check before it is beta-tested.” (Link)
Tasogaredoki no Kyoukaisen
  • TL, Edit & TLC : 100%;
  • To do:
    • 1) Fix technical stuff (95% done);
    • 2) Image Editing;
    • 2) QC
To Heart 2
Ittaku Subs
  • TL: 100%;
  • Edit: 35%;
  • Follow here for the latest.
Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete
  • TL: 15.7%. Looking for TLCers, and editors (link)
  • Opened a Rizon group #WareMete
Utawarerumono Portable
BLACKlabel translations
  • – Graphics: 99.9%
  • – Translation: [ 158 / 616 files* ] (updated 29.10.2015)
  • – Script Check: [ 93 / 616 files ] [ 10912 / ~37500** lines ] re)translated (updated 12.11.2015)
  • – Misc. hacking: 99%
    * all files (not all 616 contain text that need translation)
    ** estimated count of lines that need a translation.
Wand of Fortune
Otome Game TL
White Album 2
(Updates: Page, Stats)
  • TL: 41.81%;
  • Rough patch released
  • Introductory Chapter has undergone editing.
Witch’s Garden
  • TL: 64.80% (43548/67201)
  • TLC: 4.63%; (3,113/67,201)
  • Edit: 3.31% (2,221/67,201);
  • QC: 3.11% (2,089/67,201);
Yosuga no Sora
  • Overall TL: 84.07% (33109/39383)

JAST USA (Updates; Archive)

Game Database Entry Summary of the Current Status
Bitch na Ichinichi VNDB
  • TL: 100%
  • Editing in Prog
  • Now: Mosaic removal, Interface translation
Django VNDB
  • Waiting on TL
Flowers VNDB
  • Translation finished!
  • In editing, at 23%.
  • Coding the engine port.
Seinarukana VNDB
  • Translation and coding finished
  • Waiting on LE materials
  • QA checking in progress
Sonicomi VNDB
  • TL is done
  • Editing in prog
  • Building launcher
  • Game site is up
  • JAST is asking for input on what you’d like to see in LE versions (Link)
Sumaga VNDB
  • TL is done
  • Editing in prog
Sweet Home VNDB
  • TL: 34%
Trample on Schatten VNDB
  • TL: 83%
  • Shiny Days (JAST) – Ver. 1.01e bugfix patch released! (Link) Restoration patch released! (Link)
  • Starless – Script check 10%, added new mosaic to fix list.

MangaGamer (Updates)

Mangagamer Database Entry Brief Status Summary
Beat Blades Haruka VNDB
  • TL: 100%
  • Edit: 100%
  • In beta testing.
  • Interface localization complete
Bokuten VNDB
  • TL: 73%
  • Edit: 40.3%
Da Capo 3 VNDB
  • TL: 70.3%
  • Edit: 57.6%
Free Friends 2 VNDB
  • TL and Editing Complete
Gahkthun VNDB
  • Released! Buy it here!
  • Demo available here!
Higurashi (Retranslation) VNDB
  • First two chapters are released.
  • Chapter 3: Tatarigoroshi – No progress reported
Himawari -a pebble in the sky-! VNDB
  • TL: 100%;
  • Edit: 100%;
  • Side Stories: done!
  • In scripting
The House in Fata Morgana VNDB
  • TL: 95%;
  • Edit: 9%
Kindred Spirits On The Roof VNDB
  • TL: 100%;
  • Edit: 100%;
  • In Scripting
Kuroinu VNDB
  • TL: 18.13%;
  • Edit: 18.13%
  • TL: 87%
  • Edit: 81%
My Boss’ Wife is My Ex! VNDB
  • TL: 100%;
  • Edit: 100%
  • TL: 92%
  • Edit: 14.33%
Princess Evangile W Happiness VNDB
  • Announced at Otakon
The Shadows of Pygmalion VNDB
  • Announced at Otakon
Supipara (Ch 1) VNDB
  • TL: 100%;
  • Edit: 100%
  • In scripting
Tokyo Babel VNDB
  • TL: 100%
  • Edit: 35%
Umineko When They Cry VNDB
  • Announced

Other orders on MangaGamer:

  • No One But You – Link
  • Magical Eyes – Red is for Anguish – Link

Sekai Project (Update Page)

Game Database Entry Release Date / Status
Atom Grrrl VNDB
  • TL: 100%
  • On Steam Greenlight: Link
Chrono Clock VNDB
  • TBD
Dizzy Hearts VNDB
  • TBD
Human Reignition Project VNDB
  • TBD
Koenchu! VNDB
  • TBD
Kokonoe Kokoro VNDB
  • Engine Integration/QA
Labyrinth of Grisaia VNDB
  • In Translation
Memory’s Dogma VNDB
  • TBD
Moonshot VNDB
  • TBD
Narcissu Trilogy Remake VNDB
  • Narcissu 0 TL: 89.23%
  • Narcissu 3rd TL: 88.54%
Ne no Kami: The Two Princess Knights of Kyoto VNDB
  • TL: 37.79%
No One But You VNDB
  • Steam Page (Link);
  • Pre-order on MangaGamer (Link)
November Boy VNDB
  • TBD
PacaPlus VNDB
  • TBD
Planet Ruler ?
  • Engine debug + QA
Ressette’s Prescription ?
  • TL: 100%
Root Double -Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition VNDB
  • Prefundia up. (Link)
Rising Angels: Fates VNDB
  • TBD
Sacrament Sheep VNDB
  • Engine debug and QA
Sierra Ops VNDB
Starlight Vega VNDB
  • TBD
Sunrider: Liberation Day VNDB
  • AX PV released
WAS -The Hourglass of Lepidoptera- VNDB
  • Released! Buy it here.
  • No voices at first, will be added as they’re made available.
  • TL: 8.26%

Here’s a handy link to sort Sekai Project’s Steam releases by release date: link

Other Licensed Translations

Game Company, Progress Notes
Libra of the Vampire Princess
  • MiKandi Japan
  • Prefundia page (Link)
  • Kickstarter launched (Link)
Little Busters Perfect Edition
  • Fruitbat Factory (Site)
  • Licensed by Fruitbat Factory
  • Working with Doki Fansubs to finish TL
  • Visual Arts/Key
  • Release Date: Spring 2016 (Link)
  • Steam Greenlight: Link
Harvest December
  • Circle Entertainment (Site)
  • Released! Available on NA and EU 3DS eShops
  • Will be removed from the list next week.
Magical Eyes – Red is for Anguish
  • Fruitbat Factory (Site)
  • Game Site (Link)
  • Release Date: February 29th, 2016
  • Available on both MangaGamer and Steam.
Subarashiki Hibi
  • TLWiki (Link) and KeroQ
  • No Kickstarter planned
  • KeroQ to release it directly
  • More info to come in 2016
Tomoyo After
  • Waku Productions
  • Read Doki’s post about the project here.
Wish Tale of the Sixteenth Night
  • Total Progress: 28.62%

The Zakabox

— Commentary Section —

Zakabox™ Commentary

[3:06:31 AM] Decay:  You should totally write a commentary this week
[3:06:47 AM] Decay: it’s been lonely having it just be me

「Anything for you, my love. Well, maybe not writing zakaboxes every week, but at least this one…

Harumade, Kururu is a VN I’ve heard good things about. It actually starts off as a nukige (albeit one with a decent dose of comedy), then shifts into hard science fiction. It’s on of the things on my backlog of VNs to read in Fapanese, presumably in 2020 or so when Subahibi is finally released after I’ve actually finished at least one route in one moege (I’m getting there.) It is possible that the patch will be out before then, though as usual, translation projects have a tendency to die before completion. Let’s hope?

it seems KeroQ wants to handle distribution of the English version of Subahibi themselves, which somewhat follows a trend as Key has been doing the same with Harmonia and Frontwing kinda did their own thing with ChiruChiru too. While translations produced without one of the better localization companies involved tend to be of dubious quality (not that aforementioned companies don’t have their issues either), Subahibi should be in good hands as the fairly dedicated fan translation team’s translation will be used. Perhaps the main question right now is whether or not we’ll also get its somewhat-sequel Sakura no Uta brought over.

SakuUta is, as Subarashiki Hibi, partly a work of philosophy. While that may sound a bit hard to get into, its highly regarded writer Sca-ji has a knack for making these things understandable. Though many works are referenced in both VNs, everything needed is explained in the actual text itself. I hear SakuUta is much less dark than SubaHibi which reportedly gets rather filled with rape, despair et cetera at times. Such a shame… *ahem*.

The other big thing is the Noble Works patch, which actually did meet its projected Octember release date. I’ve heard someone think it was worse than Evangile and someone consider it significantly better, so who knows? What we can say is that at last, the Yuzusoft curse has been broken. Hooray!

The Shiny Days patch has been in the making for quite some time. It’s not just the restoration of removed content that’s included; there were also quite a few bugs to be fixed. Granted, I’m not sure if they actually did fix them. This is JAST we’re talking about, and adding that to 0verflow’s already less-than-stable engine is asking for trouble. Speaking of bugs, MG’s Gahkthun release actually has (had?) a bug where some of the voices will stop playing in the second half. There’s a fix patch up already, so do grab it if affected.

Oh, and if you celebrate it, merry days after Christmas that will probably still be a bit christmassy for a while. Other than that, a new year is coming, and with it that infuriating period when you keep writing the wrong year whenever you have to enter the current date. I extend pre-emptive congratulations to anyone who wishes to receive them.

Now if you don’t mind, I have some Hearthstoning to do. I’ve promised to boost one of my friends to rank 5 so he can get the golden epic this season, as he’s busy for the next few days. I will be doing this using Face Hunter, mostly because he doesn’t have the secretkeepers used in aggro secret paladin and isn’t close to most other meta decks. What can I say? Deal with it :P.」

Decay’s Musings

Noble Works and Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning couldn’t be more different, but they’re both worthy of your time. I will refrain from making any definitive statements on Gahkthun’s overall quality until I finish reading it, but the first four chapters have been entertaining thus far. And Noble Works is a VN I’ve already talked quite a bit about. It’s fun, has charming characters, and is a good way to just relax and enjoy something simple for a change. I also thought I would play Shiny Days once the patches came out, but there’s just so much other stuff right now…

Outside of the releases, the biggest news item of the week was easily Moogy’s abrupt announcement of TLWiki’s Subarashiki Hibi translation being picked up for official release. I always like to see the hard workers of this scene get rewarded for their efforts. What interests me most about this news item, however, is that it is KeroQ who have directly struck a deal with TLWiki. The Japanese VN publishers and developers are getting more directly involved with the western market than ever before.

Zaka mentioned ChiruChiru and Harmonia above. Conjueror, co-translator of Himawari and Tokyo Babel, is teasing a big new project of a popular VN that he was hired directly by the Japanese publisher to translate, alongside his fellow co-translator Garejei and two unnamed individuals. This may become the new normal not too far into the future. Managing a localization requires some specific skillsets that not all of these companies possess. So even if they hire talented translators and editors, there’s no telling what the results may be. It also makes you wonder what it all means for MangaGamer, JAST, Sekai Project, and every other independent VN translation company.

Also, it’s time to play the guessing game. Conjueror has dropped a few hints as to what his new project is. It’s a VN he’s personally excited to work on, it has over an 80 on EGS and is considered a big deal. It’s a Japanese company that approached him directly, so that makes it less likely (but not impossible) that it’s a company with an existing localization partner. Common guesses include Dies irae, Aiyoku no Eustia, and Baldr Sky. These are all pretty wild guesses by the fanbase. Dies irae actually seems somewhat likely considering the big cross-media push Light is making on that property right now, the timing is right. What do you guys think?

Last week I told you about my thirtieth birthday. To close things off, I’d like to share this little tidbit. A few days ago I was in the barber shop, while making smalltalk my barber (a stranger to me) asked me about my kids, automatically assuming that I’d have children and they’d be of age to be in school already. What the actual hell?? Do I look like some middle-aged man, now? (I’m childless, btw)

Oh, and fair warning, next week will feature The Purge.

This week’s header image is from Gahkthun.

TAYsteful™ Thoughts

[Tay is currently on siesta]


Hello, I'm Decay, an avid fan of visual novels and a regular poster on Fuwanovel. Also, I now review and write about VNs officially for Fuwanovel? Yeah, that started happening at some point. You may also see me on VNDB as dk382.

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9 years ago

Just to let you know, the Subarashiki Hibi VNDB link brings you to Magical Eyes Red is for anguish link instead. Awesome news all around though, looks like I’ll have plenty to do over my vacation. ^^

Some Guy
Some Guy
9 years ago

“Flowers – Editing is up to 23%.”
Lol…Didn’t they initially claim it would be ready by the fall? -_-

I’m pumped for that fast Tokyo Babel progress though.

9 years ago

I’ll definitely be buying Subahibi, but I don’t know how I’ll feel about it. My tastes are so vanilla I’m a little scared… :’) I feel like if I buy it I can’t drop it though….

Preordered Gakthun cause I wanted to support it, but I don’t wanna install new games until I finish the old…. Super hype, though. Sharnoth was cool, and this one is supposed to have an actual obvious main romance (doki, doki)! And this is translated by koestl, so more hype….

Conjueror has been calling it Albatross Sky Butlers 2: Parfait of Wrath, which I find hilarious (if anyone’s wondering, Albatross; Baldr Sky; Bullet Butlers; 2 is likely just to distinguish it from the first one; Parfait; Dies Irae). Might be Dies Irae, although I could also see it being something like White Album 2? That’s pretty long and famous, too. The media push behind Dies is very convincing, though.

I’m most excited for Sweet Pool, though! You can do it, team! At your own pace is fine, though! They’ve had some super-bad-luck……..

9 years ago

Either Insem is trolling us, or Dracu-Riot is getting released on 1/4/2016. Atleast that’s what it says on the website.

Reply to  Commenter
9 years ago

I know it’s April 1st, but with Insem, you never know. He might just do it.

Reply to  Commenter
9 years ago

> Everything will be released (WIP or otherwise)

Doesn’t look like it will be a full translation. I’m hoping otherwise, but with the abrupt announcement…

Reply to  Baka
9 years ago

I don’t know whether he’s using the DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY, so either it’s in January, or it’s in April. And if he really does release it, then it’ll be all routes except Mio, probably.

Reply to  Commenter
9 years ago

Well.. that should be something to look forward to, maybe. But with that title I won’t get my hopes up.
But if it does.. finally Azusa *-*

9 years ago

Unsurprisingly Seinarukana is now saying hello to a 2016 release, at that point I won’t even hold my breath for a Q1 release.

9 years ago

surprisingly they seemingly still dont know how to make appropriate contracts with those whom are working for said publisher, means having an actual timeframe/schedule when things are supposed to be done, including a fixed amount of compensation payment in case things wont work that way and of course a pay that keeps their subcontractors motivated & else. there´s nothing worse than simply relying on a man´s word only when coming to hard buiseness where actual money is involved, or even a companies future/reputation is at stake.

9 years ago

About the Shin Koihime Musou project, there has been an update on 27th, good news still goes on =D


9 years ago

no kami no rhapsody 🙁