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Visual Novel Translation Status (01/09/2016)

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Behold! A new design to our VNTS pages! Also — new blog sidebars. Please let us know what you think of the new VNTS format! We’ll be putting out a formal survey, soon, but in the meantime please drop us a comment and share your thoughts on the new tables and the collapsible format.

Anyway! Welcome to our weekly VNTS (Visual Novel Translation Status) series, in which we track visual novel translation updates in-house (we don’t rely on /jp/ posts on 4ch, for example) and post it for your enlightenment and enjoyment each Saturday. If you find any errors, or you think a project is missing from this list, please let me know in the comments. Any new updates are marked by orange text.

The Short Version:
Only the New Stuff

  • Black Wolves Saga – Potential legal trouble with their Starry Sky In Summer has put Black Wolves Saga and Ken ga Kimi on semi-hiatus status. (Link)
  • Bokuten (MangaGamer) – TL: 75.2%, Edit 42.21%
  • Bunny Black 2 – Translation finished, though it still needs editing and image translations (Aroduc is recruiting help for images).
  • Corpse Party BloodCovered – PC Version coming from XSEED Games
  • Da Capo 3 (MangaGamer) – TL: 75%, Edit 68.8%
  • Free Friends 2 (MangaGamer) – Now available for pre-order! Out: January 26th.
  • The House in Fata Morgana (MangaGamer) – Translation: 98% (main scenario complete!); Editing: 20%
  • Irotoridori no Sekai – Project is on hold to focus on finishing the SakuSaku project up. Looking for a Webdesigner and Translator for the team (link).
  • Ken ga Kimi – (See note up at Black Wolves Saga)
  • Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki (Koisaku) – Project now at 100% TL, 84% Edit, 65% QC
  • Labyrinth of Grisaia – Sekai Project posted another update to their Kickstarter. Physical goods for the first Grisaia are shipping soon, and translation for Labyrinth is at 75%! (link)
  • MYTH (MangaGamer) – TL now at 93.1%
  • Oreimo Tsuzuku (Disc 2) – Solid progress! Great job, team! TL:: 100%; TLC: 89.2%; Edit: 75.4. Needs more volunteers!
  • OZMAFIA!! (MangaGamer) – TL: 93%; Edit: 22.34%
  • Root Double -Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition (Sekai Project) – Kickstarter is live!
  • The Shadows of Pygmalion – (MangaGamer) – TL: 4%
  • Sonicomi (JAST) – Pre-Orders for both Regular and Collectors’ Editions are now live! (Link)
  • Starry Sky ~in Summer~ – Cancelled (See note up with Black Wolves Saga)
  • Sukimazakura to Uso no Machi – TL: 22%
  • Supipara (Ch 1) (MangaGamer) – Preparing to enter beta testing
  • Tokyo Babel (MangaGamer) – Edit: 58%
  • Utawarerumono Portable – Progress on several fronts
  • Witch’s Garden – Bump up to TL: 66.44%
  • Zero Time Dilemma – It’s a thing thanks to Aksys Games


All the Game Updates:

Fan Translation Projects

Fan Translation Projects

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JAST USA Projects

JAST USA (Updates; Archive)

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  • Shiny Days (JAST) – Ver. 1.01e bugfix patch released! (Link) Restoration patch released! (Link)
  • Starless – Script check 10%, added new mosaic to fix list.
MangaGamer Projects

MangaGamer (Updates)

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  • Rance 5D, Rance VI, and Rance Quest fan translations on hold in anticipation of potential official release by MangaGamer.
  • Magical Eyes – Red is for Anguish – Pre-Order is up! (Link)
  • No One But You – Pre-order is up. (Link)
Sekai Project Projects

Sekai Project (Update Page)

Sekai’s tracking page is down and I haven’t had the time to keep up with their twitter feed. I’m going to post the same ole table, and hopefully we can get it updated for next time.

In the meantime… Critical Mission Start! Root Double- Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition Kickstarter is now live!

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  • Here’s a handy link to sort Sekai Project’s Steam releases by release date: link
Misc. Projects

Other Projects

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The Zakabox

— Commentary Section —

Zakabox™ Commentary


Decay’s Musings

Welp, we went and did this. I sure hope people like it, because Tay worked his ass off on this new format. It seems like a simple enough change, but you’d be surprised at how time consuming these changes can be. There’s no easy button to just instantly transform the format or convert the data we had. Today’s update to the VNTS was the result of many long hours of research, experimentation and testing, features implementation, manual data entry, tweaking, and so forth. And this is in the midst of a serious forums database issue he worked hard to resolve. Everyone please give Tay a round of applause for his dedication!

Please do give us your feedback on what you think of this change. We actually have several ways we can implement this feature and we need your input on what you would like most. Are the collapsable tables good? Annoying? What you like pages to make them more compact? We thought about that and tested it, but came to the conclusion that browsing through pages to find what you want would be a hassle. What about the tables themselves? We now have a special field to demark whether or not the entry has been updated or not. Is this better or worse than the orange highlight text we previously used? All of these things can be changed easily enough. Any other feedback is fair game as well.

Well, back to visual novels, I’m kind of tired of them! Just for the moment, though. After reviewing euphoria, testing Noble Works, reviewing Gahkthun (all three with time limits, fun!), and playing bits and pieces of other things in between, I sort of burnt myself out. I think instead I’ll be spending the next month or two before the first major VN release of the year to finish The Witcher 3, MGS5, Dark Souls 2, and to maybe put more time into Valkyria Chronicles which I picked up a few months ago and played for only a couple hours. Oh shit, and XCOM 2 is out in a month? I’m definitely going to try that.

I wonder what the first VN to bring me back in will be. Hopefully there’s something before Root Double in March. Let’s consult my list of VNs I expect get released in 2016. Bunny Black 2 and Beat Blades Haruka may be among the first major VNs released this year, but I don’t think I’ll be playing those. BB1 didn’t really hook me, and BBH doesn’t seem like my kind of thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if Aokana releases in the next two or so months and that would certainly do the trick for me. Maybe SakuSaku will bring me back? I don’t love that VN but it’s interesting enough to read. And it’s definitely coming out soon. Who knows! This year is sounding really exciting for me, I feel like a 13 year old ogling the Dreamcast in issues of EGM again. “Woah, look at how real that orca looks, Sonic is gonna be awesome!” 2016 is going to be awesome guys, and not at all a disappointment like the Dreamcast was, I swear!


TAYsteful™ Thoughts

It’s been a long day. And when I say long day, I basically mean long two days melded into one as I troubleshooted damage to- and recovery of- the Fuwanovel forums. My brain is fried and my back hurts. But! The forums are back, I successfully set up the new VNTS plugin (six hours! SIX HOURS!), and nobody died.

I was very sad to hear about the Golden Spirit team’s potential legal issues. As much as their Tumblr drives me nuts with the auto-play music, they’re definitely one of my favorite TL groups (they’re fun to cover in these posts) and didn’t deserve this. I really hope they can get it sorted out. (Link to their announcement)

I’m sick. My wife is sick. My cats are sick. The neighbors are sick. The in-laws are sick. What about the rest of you out in the world? Are you sick, too? I forgot how miserable one can feel with flu-like symptoms…

My brain is fried. I really want to write more — there’s a lot to say — but I’m wiped. Have a nice week, everybody.

This week’s header image is from Sonicomi, which is now available for pre-order.


I'm the Fuwanovel community admin and a big fan of Visual Novels. The easiest way to get a hold of me is via a PM on the Fuwanovel Forums, by twitter (@ArchmageTay), or by email.

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9 years ago

Like the new layout…gj

9 years ago

Irotoridori <33!

9 years ago

Love the new layout, keep up the good work. Hope you get well soon, Tay!

9 years ago

Good layout. By the way you miss AstralAir update, which right now at 65.43%. Looking forward to that.

9 years ago

They basically finish Starry Sky and only now have legal trouble? That’s pretty suspect.

Reply to  Katie
9 years ago

That’s what I was thinking. I get the feeling its a prank. Could be my wishful thinking though.

9 years ago

I like the new format. This makes it easier to navigate and lets us look for the projects we’re interested without slogging through all the stuff we aren’t. It will take some getting used to since the list was heavily trimmed down recently, but I think this is a step in the right direction. Kudos, and good work!

I had a thought when you posted the VNs that were originating here in the West. Have you guys heard of Errant Heart? The creators seems to be Type-Moon fans and say they will have a released version of their work out soon. I figured I’d bring it up since I don’t remember seeing it on the list.

9 years ago

Liking the new style so far: the collapsable category headers are a nice touch, and for those that are interested in a single category it’s a bonus – less clutter and you go direct to the point (say: you don’t care about licensed titles, or you might be looking only at LOLJAST releases)

Congrats for the improvement!

9 years ago

The format is lookin good. Dare I say this blog is starting to look rather fine and sexy?

9 years ago

The new layout is so pretty!~ <3 I'll have to work on my skimming skills, though. Keep looking for the entire thing to be in green…. I might prefer at least the entry to be highlighted green like you used to if it's new…. Bold isn't enough! Bullet point text is actually kinda small, too, so maybe it's that… It does look really good, though! Super positive change!

I feel for you Tay. I got sick on Christmas and it is not fun…..

I'm very surprised to hear about Golden Spirit. It's too bad! D: They looked like they were so close, and I'd have genuinely played all three of their translation projects. They made really interesting choices. That's a really stressful situation, too. Hope the leader's okay…. And now my heart can only wait for Sweet Pool, I guess…….

9 years ago

Grisaia, I’m waiting for you.

9 years ago

10/10 for new layout. sudden 75% on grisaia gave me a heart attack, can’t wait for the patch <3 Thanks for the continuous updates.

9 years ago

PC version of Corpse Party was confirmed a long time ago…

Reply to  TrickZter
9 years ago

Yeah, I’ve known about it for a while but sort of kept forgetting to add it to the posts. Now that we’ve been changing formats and that kind of thing, it’s a good time to try to get as many of the stragglers included as possible. I think we have pretty much everything covered at this point, with the exception of Sekai Project’s “The Kittens of Our House,” which we will add next week. (

9 years ago

The new drop-down table is really nice, but how about adding a small button at the end of the table which function as “close current table” ? I think that will be good for someone who skim all the entries (like me) because you can close the table faster than clicking the minus on top which requires some scrolling especially when there’s many entries like fan translation.

Reply to  Minerva
9 years ago

I heavily suspect that should such a feature exist, due to the way browser scrolling works, it would actually drop you pretty close to or at the bottom of the page and you’d have to scroll up anyways. Basically, it brings the bottom part of the page up, rather than the top part down, if you know what I mean. Maybe there’s a good way for a coding wizard to do it right but that’s not really in the cards for the time being.

9 years ago

I definitely like the orange and green text for the updates more. It feels a lot more like a wall of text without the breaks of color here and there. The new column is actually a really nice buffer between everything and once again, makes everything look less like a wall of text. I think having the new column be empty, but still keeping it there, might be the best option. Keep up the good work, the site is looking really nice.

9 years ago

Question. It says Bunny Black 2 is 100% translated and there’s a beta for it. I know what it still needs to be done for the game. My question is if I play the beta will I be able to complete the entire game? Or does it cut off at a certain point in the game?

Reply to  ThatOneMaou
9 years ago

It cuts off basically after the prologue, from what I understand. It’s a pretty short beta that’s primarily meant to be testing the gameplay for odd bugs introduced by the patch.

9 years ago

You guys forgot to add aokana.

Reply to  Silver
9 years ago


Aokana has been on the list for ages now, and it’s still there.