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Subarashiki Hibi to Receive an Official English Release

Wonder what’s been taking so long on finishing Subahibi? Today, we finally got our answers care of TLWiki founder Moogy. As it turns outs, TLWiki and developer KeroQ have struck a deal to make the translation official! Few details are known at this point, but Moogy has been answering questions on his twitter account tonight and it seems that it will be a direct release from KeroQ and there will be no Kickstarter for it. We’ll just pay for it when it’s ready. While some people may be disappointed that this has held up the translation’s release, it is undoubtedly great news overall. KeroQ and the translation staff will now all be properly compensated for their hard work.

For those unaware, Subarashiki Hibi has achieved almost legendary status in the VN community, and many people consider it their favorite. It remains one of the top rated games on VNDB and EGS. It’s a sprawling story almost avant-garde in nature, packed to the brim with surreal scenery, philosophical musings, teenage angst, and references to everything under the sun. The translation project for it began several years ago, and it has been a long road to get to this point. This July, the translation finally reached 100% completion and the editing process began. What followed was several long months of silence, until now. There aren’t any details yet on when or where it will be available. More details will follow in 2016… at some point. Hopefully soon.

What about you guys? Would you be willing to pay for an official release of Subahibi?


Hello, I'm Decay, an avid fan of visual novels and a regular poster on Fuwanovel. Also, I now review and write about VNs officially for Fuwanovel? Yeah, that started happening at some point. You may also see me on VNDB as dk382.

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9 years ago

Nice, good news once again! I’ll pick up a copy only if it’s a physical edition. Otherwise I’ll orally support it. Good work by the way!

9 years ago

I’d kill for a physical release of this.

Onodera Punpun
Onodera Punpun
9 years ago

Another fucking christmas miracle

9 years ago

Knew this was the real reason it was taking a while. Looking forward to the release date. Meanwhile, back to Gahkthun!

9 years ago

Of course I’m paying for an official translation, I’ll even force my friends to buy it too to support KeroQ so it happen more often, what a Christmas!!

9 years ago

i did call it!(see the 5th december post)
they pulled the same stuff the LB team did!
in a business standpoint i would even praise them but in a fan perspective that’s really…not nice to say the least…cause they did lie and go back on their promises!

9 years ago

Wow, and just when I had the Japanese release, no what am I supposed to do with this? T_T

Anyway, real proud that it’ll have an official release tho (but I want my money back huehuehue)

9 years ago

This is great news,official releases are always welcome!

9 years ago

Haha, what a joke.
Another game with 90% censorship from amurica’s moralism, all that for a “offical” name on the translation who is usually even worse than fan translations. It can’t be helped, VN scene has always been a joke.

9 years ago

[…] Subahibi – Moogy reports that they will release an official commercial version in cooperation with the developer KeroQ! Read the story here. […]

9 years ago

freaking DAY ONE. now we can only hope it sells well enough for Sakura no Uta to release in the west too.

8 years ago

Annnnnnnnd stil no release. Is there any more news to this? I WANT SUBAHIBI ; _ ;
But thanks to the translators for their long, hard, work.

8 years ago

It’s been october, summer has passed, but there is no news

8 years ago

Is there any update on this? I’ve been waiting for this VN for sooooo long

Reply to  RioDeHongKong
8 years ago

ahahahaa it’s been a year

Last Boss
Last Boss
8 years ago

is this ded?